‘A new cultural hub for the queer community’: BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Gallery Café in London, in 7 images
(Images: Provided)
The fabulously named Fitzrovia in London has served as a stomping ground for many of the gay, great and good of eras past, from writer Quentin Crisp to artist Francis Bacon to filmmaker Derek Jarman. If they were still alive, one could imagine them bumping into each other at the resplendent BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Gallery Café London, united by their commitment to queer sensibility and their love of handsome men — two characteristics that are central to the café’s existence.
The café claims to be the first fine art gallery dedicated to queer photography. And as the name suggests, it’s an offshoot from the BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! programme from The Little Black Gallery — including its infamous BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! magazines and books,

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