Why I’m Changing The Way I Think About Birthdays (Because Facebook Posts Aren’t Enough)
This week, I turned 24. Yay me!
And after the stroke of 1:50 am on March 11th, I entered my mid-twenties. And as much as I (subtlety) freaked out when my roommate made me aware of that fact, I realized it really wasn’t a big deal. And unfortunately, that’s my fault.
For me, birthdays are always a bore. I get a bunch of Facebook messages, eat some cake, open a present or two, and go to sleep. For this year, I took off work, laid around, went to a Chinese buffet, watched the Magicians, and fell asleep. That’s it. And while I know that seems like a long list of activities, most of them are regular events in my life.
You see, for as long as I can remember, birthdays have
SEE MORE OF THIS POST AT Instinct Magazine

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